The playground at Mountain Creek State School, Sunshine Coast

Mountain Creek State School

Education Fair Exhibitor Profile: Mountain Creek State School

Mountain Creek State School is one of the most exciting educational communities you will find anywhere in the world. Mountain Creek State School is well known for its high educational standards, supportive school culture, its engaging educational programs and a wide range of student achievements.

Since opening in 1994, their motto of ‘Caring, Sharing and Learning Together’ has underpinned all aspects of school life at Mountain Creek State School. Their main goal has been and always will be, to make this school a welcoming place for everyone. A place where children, parents and staff are happy and proud to be, where they feel supported and respected for the individual contributions they make, and where everyone is treated with dignity and respect for both who they are today and what they hope and dream of for tomorrow.

Mountain Creek State School strives to ensure that students leave Mountain Creek State School with the confidence, skills and abilities to be able to contribute as valuable citizens of our global community, to have a healthy respect for themselves and others, and a burning desire to make a difference in our world.

Location: Lady Musgrave Drive, Mountain Creek Qld 4557

Phone: +617 5452 3444



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